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Dan Knight is a rockin’ guitarist and a recording artist with a distinctively unique and reconizable voice.  Dan toured extensively in North America for 30 years both with his own band and with big name artists, had stints as a demo singer and writer in Nashville, and played Vegas and Laughlin Nevada  for several years as well.    During his touring years Dan performed at Canada’s finest rodeos (Ponoka Stampede, Calgary Stampede, and Klondike Days) and has opened for the Canadian Music Hall of Fame.  In the U.S. Dan performed at the Cheyene Rodeo, Grand National Rodeo in Vegas, Sturgis, The Stockyards, The Bank in Virginia Beach and toured the ASA Nascar circuit providing prerace shows as well as many other big centres coast to coast in the US.   Presently he is  the busy entrepreneur  behind globally recognized Nashville Country Music Magazine, Nashville Country TV, Airplay Now and Steam Whistle Records.   Dan still enjoys performing and recording in the Steam Whistle Records studio. 


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Website by Dan Knight


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